Try: A Reminder


You shouldn’t need this. After all the time you’ve spent alive, you shouldn’t need to be reminded of things like this. But, here we are. You need to be reminded.

Failure is bad. Being a failure, no matter what the rest of the world says, is unacceptable. You must not fail. You must do right by things. You must push yourself to the point that you succeed, and you must not give up once resistance or weakness stand in your way. You are weak, you are saddled by resistance, and therefore, you push past that.

However, failure is not something to be scared of. Because you will fail. Things will go wrong. Attempts at doing the right thing will go wrong. You will make mistakes. Sometimes, fortune, the world, reality, or whatever you wish to name it this week will simply decide that, no, you cannot succeed. Even throwing your very best, with every ounce of energy, will still land you at failure from time to time.

Both of these are correct. Burn that into your head: failure is abhorrently bad and also not scary at all. How do you handle that contradiction? Simple; never fail once. Fail as often as you have to until you succeed.

Are you still breathing? Then get up. Try again.  You are human; of course you look foolish making mistakes like that. Ignore the shame and study to get better. Learn and move on.

More often than not, you’ll find more success on the other side of trying than failure. And if you refuse to accept failing, to stop at having failed this time, that drive will lead you to whatever success you will ever achieve.

Have you really tried yet? Really tried?

Then why are you waiting?

The worst outcome of trying is that you succeed at failing. The worst outcome is that you fail at succeeding.

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